A well presented THREE bedroom town house. Ideal first time or investment buy and well worthy of an internal viewing, revealing: Entrance hallway, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a family bathroom. Outside, there are gardens to both the front and rear.
Located close to all the amenities of Padgate Village providing day to day necessities. There are several primary schools and a secondary school close by. Warrington town centre is a short drive away and accessible by both private car and public transport. For those who choose to commute there is motorway access to the M6 at Martinscroft and the M62 at Gorse Covert.
Vendors have informed us of a recent new roof to the property.
Floor Plan
Entrance Hallway:
From a UPVC double glazed entrance door into the entrance hallway, laminate floor, radiator and stairs to first floor.
Lounge: 11'3 (3.43m) x 10'10 (3.3m)
UPVC double glazed bay window to the front, coal effect electric fire fitted, sunken spotlights, laminate floor and radiator.
Dining Room: 11'10 (3.61m) x 10'10 (3.3m)
UPVC double glazed window to the rear, laminate floor, built in cupboard and shelving, radiator and laminate floor.
Kitchen: 13'1 (3.99m) x 7'11 (2.41m)
Range of base and wall units, complementary work surfaces, tile splashback, plumbing for automatic washing machine, cooker point with overhead extractor fan, stainless steel sink with mixer tap, space for fridge freezer, radiator, under stairs storage, two matching UPVC double glazed windows to the side and a matching door. Cupboard housing the central heating boiler which the vendors have informed us is newly installed.
Fitted cupboard, loft access.
Bedroom 1: 14'3 (4.34m) x 11'2 (3.4m)
UPVC double glazed window to the front, radiator and fitted wardrobes.
Bedroom 2: 11'6 (3.51m) x 8'10 (2.69m)
UPVC double glazed window to the rear and radiator.
Bedroom 3: 7'10 (2.39m) x 6'3 (1.91m)
UPVC double glazed window to the rear and radiator.
Three piece suite, low level w.c., wash hand basin, shaped bath with over bath shower and screen, chrome heated towel rail, UPVC double glazed and frosted window to the side, tiled walls and laminate floor.
The rear of the property is partly paved with a timber decked patio and an artificial lawn area, there are raised borders edged in timbers and planted with shrubs and bushes. To the front of the property is a small forecourt garden which is gravelled for ease of maintenance and with a wrought iron gate.
Local Authority
Warrington Borough Council, Council Tax Office, Rylands Street, Warrington
WA1 1EJ Telephone: .
Council Tax Band
Band B.
SG/LW ID 174512
411 Westbrook Centre, Westbrook
All measurements are taken electronically and whilst every care is taken with their accuracy they must be considered approximate and should not be relied upon when purchasing carpets or furniture. Floor plans are not to scale and are for illustration purposes only. No responsibility is taken for any error, omission or misunderstanding in these particulars which do not constitute an offer or contract. Services and appliances have not been tested and therefore no warranty is offered on their operational condition.
WARNING NOTICE: The intruder alarm (if fitted), central heating boiler, radiators, gas or electric heaters and other gas or electrical appliances, which are mentioned in these details, have not been and will not be tested by us, as we are not qualified to do so. Purchasers are therefore advised to undertake their own independent tests, should they consider this necessary.
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