Landlords Only Investment Sale Rental Income £800 pcm
A traditional mid terrace home with uPVC double glazing and gas central heating, being sold with tenants in occupation.
The interior accommodation offers lounge on the front elevation with window to the front elevation with feature fire place and door through to the dining room on the rear aspect with laminate flooring, stairs rising to the first floor, with a useful under stairs storage cupboard and French patio door opening onto the rear garden.
The kitchen has a selection of fitted units with freestanding appliance spaces for cooker and washing machine, built-in dishwasher and concealed cupboard space for fridge freezer, wall mounted gas fired combination boiler and window to the rear aspect.
The first floor provides three generous bedrooms with a central bathroom offering a four piece white bathroom suite with shower enclosure and shaver point. There is a rear garden with shared entry access to the front. View by strict appointment.
The Accommodation -
Lounge - 3.71m x 3.48m (12'2 x 11'5) -
Dining Room - 3.71m x 3.66m (12'2 x 12'0) -
Kitchen - 2.74m x 1.83m (9'0 x 6'0) -
Bedroom One - 3.71m x 3.51m (12'2 x 11'6) -
Bedroom Two - 3.86m x 2.16m (12'8 x 7'1) -
Bedroom Three - 2.95m x 2.95m max (9'8 x 9'8 max) -
Bathroom -
Rear Garden -
Tenanted Property - The home is being Let at £800 pcm, therefore any intending buyer will be required to be cash or to be with suitable Buy To Let Finance.
Draft details awaiting vendor approval and subject to change.
Agent Details
Nicholas Humphreys, Burton-on-Trent
01283 243718
Next Steps?
This deal was sourced from Rightmove. Contact the landlord/agent for a viewing now 💪
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