This property is being offered to the market with no onward chain, The property has been recently re-decorated and would make an ideal first time or investment purchase. Viewing is highly recommended to appreciate the accommodation on offer.
Blaby is a delightful village situated in South Leicestershire. The buildings in Blaby are both of historical and architectural interest as Old Blaby is a conservation area. It contains some ancient and picturesque dwellings giving the charming village an olde world feel. The Bakers Arms thatched roof public house in Blaby dates back to 1484 and there are other public houses and local amenities including a post office, two supermarkets, pharmacies, health centres, library, hotel, two primary schools, a dentist, churches and Bouskell and Northfield Parks. As well as being serviced by good transport links Blaby is a charming village filled with character and has plenty to offer.
Front Reception Room/ Dining 13' 5" x 12' ( 4.09m x 3.66m )
With a door to the front of the property, double glazed bay window to the front, log burner, coving to the ceiling and central heating radiator.
Lounge 14' 8" x 12' ( 4.47m x 3.66m )
With a double glazed window to the rear of the property, central heating radiator, coving to the ceiling and stairs rising to the first floor.
Kitchen 13' 3" x 5' 11" ( 4.04m x 1.80m )
Fitted with wall and base units, work surfaces housing the sink drainer, splashback tiling, space for a cooker, cooker hood, plumbing for a washing machine and dish washer, central heating boiler and double glazed window to the side of the property.
Utility Room 7' 10" x 5' 3" ( 2.39m x 1.60m )
With a double glazed window to the side of the property and central heating radiator.
First Floor Landing
With stairs from the ground floor.
Bedroom One 11' 11" x 11' 6" ( 3.63m x 3.51m )
With a double glazed window to the front of the property, tv point, built in cupboard and central heating radiator.
Bedroom Two 11' 5" x 9' ( 3.48m x 2.74m )
With a double glazed window to the rear of the property, tv point and central heating radiator.
Bathroom 12' 10" x 6' ( 3.91m x 1.83m )
There is a bath with mixer taps, shower cubicle, wash hand basin, wc, partly tiled walls, central heating radiator and double glazed window to the rear of the property.
There is a front garden with walls at the front and gated access.
The rear garden has gravelled areas and borders with mature shrubs.
Proceed from our Blaby office along Enderby Road and turn right onto New Street where the property is located.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.