Two reception rooms +
Ground floor bathroom +
Rear garden +
Kitchen +
Local to amenities and transport links +
Perfect for first time buyers & investors +
A THREE BEDROOM MID TERRACE FAMILY HOME WITH NO ONWARD CHAIN & AVAILABLE NOW. PERFECT FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS & INVESTORS. Accommodation comprises; entrance hallway, front reception room, second reception room, kitchen, ground floor bathroom, three bedrooms and rear garden.
The award-winning Connells Wolverhampton branch welcome to the market this three bedroom mid terrace family home on Kimberley Street with no onward chain in the area of Penn Fields.
Entering the property you are greeted with an entrance hallway leading to the front and second reception room offering plenty of space for a lounge and dining room. From the dining room you can access the kitchen with an adjoining ground floor bathroom.
Heading upstairs you'll find three generously sized bedrooms for a growing family.
Outside to the front is a courtyard style frontage and to the rear is a rear garden with potential to landscape.
Don't miss your chance to view this deceptively spacious home with no onward chain in a popular residential area. Call the Connells Wolverhampton branch today to arrange your viewing.
Location And Area
Set to the south west of Wolverhampton City Centre in the Merridale area ideally located for access to all the amenities and shopping facilities the city has to offer. Wolverhampton Rail Station is approximately one and half miles away and West Park Hospital is less than a mile away. There are exemplary secondary schools most noteworthy of which is St Peters Collegiate Church of England School and Wolverhampton Girls high school.
Entrance Hall
Ceiling light point, radiator, doors leading to the two reception rooms.
Lounge 11' 10" x 9' 1" ( 3.61m x 2.77m )
Double glazed window to the front, meter cupboards, radiator and ceiling light point.
Sitting Room 13' x 11' 1" ( 3.96m x 3.38m )
Storage cupboard, ceiling light point, radiator, double glazed window to the rear, door leading to the stairs and door leading to the kitchen.
Kitchen 9' x 7' ( 2.74m x 2.13m )
Matching wall and base units, stainless steel sink and drainer with mixer tap, partly tiled walls, wall mounted boiler, double glazed window to the side, radiator, door to the garden and door leading to the bathroom.
Panelled bath with shower attachment, low flush WC, wash hand basin, radiator, tiled walls, ceiling light point, double glazed windows to the side and rear.
First Floor Landing
Two ceiling light points, radiator and doors leading to all three bedrooms
Bedroom One 13' x 11' 11" ( 3.96m x 3.63m )
Double glazed window to the front, radiator and ceiling light point.
Bedroom Two 11' 11" x 10' ( 3.63m x 3.05m )
Double glazed window to the rear, radiator, ceiling light point and cupboard housing loft access.
Bedroom Three 9' 1" x 7' 1" ( 2.77m x 2.16m )
Double glazed window to the rear, radiator and ceiling light point.
Outside Rear
Paved patio area onto a lawn
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.