Victorian Mid-Terrace +
Two double bedrooms +
Easily accessible ground floor bathroom +
Galley kitchen +
Rear garden +
Fantastic property for first time buyer or investor +
South Leicestershire village location +
A charming two bedroom terraced house located in the highly desirable South Leicestershire village of Fleckney. The property itself features a garden to the rear, two good sized reception rooms, a fitted kitchen and bathroom with two double bedrooms to the first floor.
A charming two bedroom terraced house located in the highly desirable South Leicestershire village of Fleckney. This is a fantastic opportunity for a first time or investment buyer. The property itself features a garden to the rear, two good sized reception rooms, a fitted kitchen and bathroom with two double bedrooms to the first floor.
Front Outdoor Space
The front of this mid-terrace house has a palisade style walled in front yard which has space to house the three refuse-wheelie bins and a small path leading to the front door.
Enter through the front door into the house.
Lounge/Living Room 12' 1" x 11' ( 3.68m x 3.35m )
The front door opens into the good sized lounge which features an open brick fireplace surround with built in storage into the front recess, housing the electric meter. Window to the front elevation, stripped back wooden floorboards, a central heating radiator, TV and telephone point.
Through to the central lobby between the two reception rooms housing the staircase leading to the first floor.
Through the small central lobby to the dining room accessed through a door.
Dining Room 12' 1" x 11' 1" ( 3.68m x 3.38m )
A good sized dining room with carpet flooring, a central heating radiator, double glazed window to the rear elevation and a walk in cupboard under the stairs enclosed with louvre-style doors. Access through a door to the kitchen.
Kitchen 9' x 5' 11" ( 2.74m x 1.80m )
A galley kitchen fitted with a range of eye and base level units with work surfaces above, having two windows to the side elevation. One and a half bowl sink and drainer, built in electric oven and gas hob with stainless steel cooker hood above, space and plumbing for a washing machine, central heating radiator and access through to the rear lobby area.
Rear Lobby
The rear lobby between the kitchen and the bathroom has shelving, a central heating radiator, and access to a small loft space above. A door leading to the outside garden and a sliding door leading to the bathroom.
The ground floor bathroom benefits from a bath tub with shower above, low level wc and wash hand basin. Tiled flooring and partially tiled walls. Window to side elevation.
First Floor:
The small landing area leads to the two bedrooms to the left and right through wooden doors.
Bedroom One 12' 2" x 11' 1" ( 3.71m x 3.38m )
Having a window to the front elevation and a central heating radiator.
Bedroom Two 12' 1" x 11' 1" ( 3.68m x 3.38m )
Having double glazed window to the rear garden elevation, a central heating radiator, a cupboard housing the boiler and an additional cupboard/small fitted wardrobe with access to the above loft.
Rear Garden
The rear garden has a patio area, an artificial lawn area and a 3x3m garden shed with mature borders and shrubs that do need some tender loving care.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.