Three-bedroom house +
Sought after Headington Quarry location +
Two separate receptions rooms +
Extended kitchen with vaulted ceilings +
Garage in block to the rear +
Attractive gardens & no onward chain +
A well presented three-bedroom house which benefits from an enlarged ground floor, two separate receptions, front & rear garden and a garage located to the rear of the house. A lovely home in a quiet and peaceful setting sold with no onward chain.
Ideally located within this quiet pedestrianised lane is this well presented three-bedroom mid terrace house benefitting from a no onward chain sale.
Headington Quarry is extremely well located for highly regarded local schooling, the many amenities of Headington, and access to the ring road network and links to London. There are also local amenities including several pubs, a convenience store and Shotover Country Park.
In brief the property comprises; enclosed entrance porch, living room which in turns leads through to the dining room, the extended kitchen it situated to the rear with vaulted ceilings and direct access onto the pretty and private south/west facing rear garden.
The sale of this Property will be subject to Grant of Representation from the Probate Registry. We ask that interested parties seek guidance as to the potential timeframes involved for this purchase with their Conveyancer.
Entrance Porch
Meter cupboard
Sitting Room 16' 11" narrowing to x 15' 11" ( 5.16m narrowing to x 4.85m )
Double glazed window to the front aspect, TV point, radiator, stairs to the first floor, understairs storage cupboard.
Dining Room 9' 6" narrowing to x 7' 1" ( 2.90m narrowing to x 2.16m )
French doors to the rear garden, wood flooring, radiator.
Kitchen 17' narrowing to x 9' 8" ( 5.18m narrowing to x 2.95m )
Double glazed window to the side and rear aspect with velux window above. Fitted with a selection of floor and wall units, 1.5 inset sink unit, space and plumbing for a washing machine, breakfast bar, built in oven and hob with extractor over, tiled floor and door to rear garden.
Loft access, airing cupboard housing the gas boiler.
Bedroom 1 13' 4" narrowing to x 9' 9" ( 4.06m narrowing to x 2.97m )
Double glazed window to the front aspect, built in bedroom furniture, radiator.
Bedroom 2 12' narrowing to x 10' 11" ( 3.66m narrowing to x 3.33m )
Double glazed window to the rear aspect, radiator.
Bedroom 3 10' 2" Max narrowing to x 6' 11" ( 3.10m Max narrowing to x 2.11m )
Double glazed window to the front aspect, wardrobe, radiator.
Shower Room
Double glazed window to the rear aspect, suite comprising a low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, shower cubicle, radiator
From Connells office in Headington proceed east along the London Road and take the 2nd turning on the left onto Whaton Road, proceed all the way down to the next T-junction with Margaret Road and turn left. Go directly over onto Quarry Hollow and continue up and round the right-hand bend. The property can be found a short walk along the lane off Beaumont Alley.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.