- NEW ROOF (2016) +
ENTRANCE HALL: Stairs to landing, door to;
LIVING ROOM: 13.4 x 9.10 (4.04 x 3m), Laminate floor, double glazed bay window, radiator, door to;
KITCHEN: 12.9 x 8.4 (3.89 x 2.54m), Tiled floor, range of base and wall cabinets with underneath lighting, laminated worksurfaces, tiled splashback, stainless steel sink with mixer tap, space for oven and fridge/freezer, double glazed window and door to conservatory, cupboard housing boiler.
CONSERVATORY: 9.5 x 9.4 (2.87 x 2.84m), Tiled floor, double glazed, fitted blinds to window and ceiling, double doors to garden.
LANDING: Loft access (boarded and insulated), radiator.
BEDROOM 1: 13.7 x 10 (4.14 x 3.05m), Wooden floor, double glazed bay window, radiator, built in wardrobe.
BEDROOM 2: 8.9 x 7 (2.67 x 2.13m), Double glazed, radiator, wooden floor.
BATHROOM: 5.6 x 5.5 (1.68 x 1.65m), Tiled floor and walls, low level W.C., wash hand basin and storage, panel enclosed bath with wall mounted shower, double glazed, wall mounted cabinet.
REAR GARDEN: Approx. 80 (24m) (not measured), wooden decking area leading to paved patio.
FRONT GARDEN: Paved driveway with dropped curb.
COUNCIL TAX BAND: C - £1770 p.a.
STAMP DUTY PAYABLE: £0 (This is for first time purchasers)
£6,750 (If you have ever owned or part owned another property). (This figure may change if the purchase results in owning two or more properties).
VIEWING: By appointment through this office only on . We are open Monday to Friday 9.00am till 6.00pm and Saturday 9.00am till 4.00pm.
PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTIONS ACT: For clarification, we wish to inform prospective purchasers that we have not carried out a detailed survey, nor tested the services, appliances and specific fittings for this property. Your solicitor should check any rights of way or planning permission for any extensions which may have been carried out.