Five-bedroom mid terrace house +
Two bath/shower rooms +
Licenced for five tenants. +
South facing garden. +
Current income £2815pcm/£33,780 pa. 7.9% gross yield +
No onward chain +
Located in the heart of the established Wood Farm area of Headington, a licenced five-bedroom mid terrace house current generating £33,780pa income with a gross yield of 7.9%. Features to note include off road parking and a south facing garden.
Calling all investors - a five bedroom licenced HMO currently generating £33,780pa - 7.9% gross yield.
Located in the heart of the Wood Farm area of Headington, is this five-bedroom, two-bathroom three storey freehold house offered for sale with no onward chain.
In brief the ground accommodation comprises, entrance hall, open plan kitchen/living room, bedroom 5, shower room and cloakroom. Upon the first floor are bedrooms 1 and 2, with bedrooms 3 and 4 as well as a full family bathroom on the 2nd floor.
Externally off-road parking to the front, the rear garden is south facing being fully enclosed with both a lawn and patio area.
Call now to view on .
Entrance Hall
Wood laminate flooring, stairs to the first floor, cupboard radiator.
Low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin
Bedroom 5. 9' 8" narrowing to x 7' 9" ( 2.95m narrowing to x 2.36m )
Double glazed window to the front aspect, radiator.
Shower Room
Shower cubicle, pedestal wash hand basin, extractor fan.
Kitchen/Living Room 15' 7" narrowing to x 14' 4" ( 4.75m narrowing to x 4.37m )
Double glazed window to the rear aspect with patio doors to the rear garden. The fitted kitchen comprises a selection of floor and wall units, built in oven, hob with extractor over, space and plumbing for a washing machine, space for tall fridge/freezer, wood laminate flooring, radiator and a wall mounted gas boiler.
First Floor Landing
Airing cupboard, stairs to 2nd floor.
Bedroom 2. 14' 4" narrowing to x 9' 2" ( 4.37m narrowing to x 2.79m )
Double glazed window to the front aspect, radiator.
Bedroom 1. 14' 4" narrowing to x 12' 11" ( 4.37m narrowing to x 3.94m )
Double glazed window to the rear aspect, radiator.
Second Floor Landing
Loft access, large storage cupboard, radiator.
Bedroom 4. 9' 3" narrowing to x 9' 2" ( 2.82m narrowing to x 2.79m )
Double glazed window to the front aspect, radiator.
Bedroom 3. 14' 4" narrowing to x 8' 1" ( 4.37m narrowing to x 2.46m )
Double glazed window to the rear aspect, radiator.
Double glazed window to the front aspect, suite comprising low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, bath with shower over. radiator.
From Connells Headington office proceed left at the lights heading south onto Windmill Road, proceed through the lights onto The Slade, take the next left into Wood Farm Road, then 2nd right into Pether Road where number 9 can be found on the left-hand side.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.