Modern and spacious three bedrooms family home split over three floors! Comprising an entrance hall, kitchen/family room, ground floor WC, reception room and bedroom on the first floor and master bedroom, double bedroom and family bathroom on the second floor. Rear garden, garage and parking.
Spacious and modern family home split over three floors! Ideally located with all local amenities within walking distance and Cleobury Mortimer Primary School and Catherton Park both less than 1 mile away. On approach, you will be greeted with a neatly presented front garden with a pathway leading to the front door. Stepping inside, a modern hallway opens up to the ground floor accommodation including a fantastic, spacious kitchen/family room and a WC. Heading upstairs to the first floor you will find a large reception room and bedroom, while the second floor houses the master bedroom with en-suite, a further double bedroom and family bathroom. Double glazing and gas central heating throughout.
Externally, Betjeman Way benefits from an enclosed rear garden with gated access leading out to a detached garage and off-road parking.
Front Elevation
Iron gated front garden with established trees and a pathway up to the front door.
Entrance Hall
Spacious and welcoming hallway offering fitted carpet, ceiling light point, panelled radiator and two double glazed windows to the front. Staircase up to the first floor.
Ground Floor Wc
White suite comprising a wash hand basin, low flush WC, tiled flooring, ceiling light point and a panelled radaitor. Double glazed frosted window to the front.
Kitchen ( Ground Floor ) 20' 9" x 14' 10" ( 6.32m x 4.52m )
Recently renovated and finished to an incredible standard, this fantastic kitchen/family room could be the heart of the home! Kitchen area offering a range of wall and base units and work surfaces. Inset sink and drainer unit, integrated eye-level oven and grill, fridge freezer, dishwasher and washing machine and a fitted electric hob with extractor fan. Two built-in storage cupboards, tiled floor and ceiling spotlights. A spacious family/dining area to the rear with stunning double glazed French doors, tiled flooring, two panelled radiators and ceiling spotlights.
First Floor Landing
Staircase up from the entrance hall onto the first floor landing with fitted carpet, ceiling light point and additional stairs to the second floor.
Reception Room 14' 11" x 13' 2" ( 4.55m x 4.01m )
Spacious living area boasting two double glazed windows to the rear, fitted carpet, panelled radiator and a ceiling light point.
Bedroom Three 12' 6" x 8' 11" ( 3.81m x 2.72m )
Boasting fitted wardrobes, carpet, panelled radiator and a ceiling light point. Double glazed window to the front.
Second Floor Landing
Stairs up from the first floor, with ceiling light point and fitted carpet.
Bedroom One 13' 4" x 9' 1" ( 4.06m x 2.77m )
Double bedroom offering built-in wardrobes, fitted carpet, panelled radiator, two ceiling light points and a double glazed window to the rear.
White suite comprising a wash hand basin, low flush WC and a walk-in shower cubicle with a glass door. Partially tiled walls, tiled flooring, ceiling spotlights and a double glazed frosted window to the rear.
Bedroom Two 11' 9" x 10' 2" ( 3.58m x 3.10m )
Double bedroom offering fitted carpet, two built-in storage cupboards, ceiling light point, panelled radiator and two double glazed windows to the front.
White suite comprising a wash hand basin, low flush WC and a panelled bath. Heated towel rail, partially tiled walls, tiled floorin and a ceiling light point.
Rear Garden
Paved area with wooden pergola and plenty of shrubbery surrounding. Gated access.
Garage 13' 7" x 7' 7" ( 4.14m x 2.31m )
Located to the rear of the property with off-road parking in front.
1. MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS - Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any appliances.
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.