**Four bed detached occupying a large corner plot on the fringe of this ever popular residential development; close to Torkington Primary School and Torkington Park. Enjoys a pleasant and peaceful cul-de-sac location within a 20 minute walk of the village centre and railway station with good road and rail links. Great opportunity for one to improve, extend, remodel to one's own taste and needs over time (subject to any necessary planning permission and building regulation approval). GFCH, double glazing and CWI. Renewed roof covering and rewired in the last 12 months. Briefly comprises porch, hall, cloakroom/wc, through living room, dining room, kitchen, four double bedrooms and bathroom/wc with shower. Attached garage. Lawned gardens to three sides. Immediate vacant possession is available with no onward chain.
2.29m x 1.93m (7'6" x 6'4") max. Double glazed windows and door, quarry tiled floor, ceiling downlighters, double glazed door to hall.
4.39m x 2.13m (14'5" x 7'0")
max. Cornice, radiator, staircase to first floor, large understairs cloaks cupboard (housing gas CH boiler) CH programmer and thermostat.
**1.7m x 0.84m (5'7" x 2'9") max. Low level wc, wash hand basin with cupboard below, radiator, wall light point, tiled walls and floor, single glazed window.
**6.73m x 3.84m (22'1" x 12'7") max. Double glazed windows to front and rear, double glazed window and sliding patio door to side, cornice, two radiators.
**3.76m x 3.2m (12'4" x 10'6") max. Double glazed window, radiator, cornice.
**3.18m x 2.84m (10'5" x 9'4") max. Range of base and wall cabinets incorporating twin bowl stainless steel sink unit with mixer taps, work surfaces with tiled wall backs, recess for cooker with extractor fan above, plumbed for automatic dishwasher, tiled floor, ceiling downlighters, double glazed window overlooking rear garden, radiator, door to garage.
**Double glazed window, cornice, staircase balustrade, HWC/airing cupboard, access to loft space (with fold-down ladder, boarded and light).
**3.84m x 3.68m (12'7" x 12'1") max. Fitted wardrobes and dresser, double glazed window, radiator, cornice.
**3.81m x 3.2m (12'6" x 10'6") max. Double glazed window, radiator.
**3.86m x 3m (12'8" x 9'10")
3.23m x 2.87m (10'7" x 9'5") max. Double glazed window, radiator.
**2.11m x 1.63m (6'11" x 5'4") max. Panelled bath with built-in chrome shower over, pedestal wash hand basin, low level wc, double glazed window, tiled walls and floor, ceiling downlighters, extractor fan, radiator, electric shaver point, wall light point.
**6.76m x 2.72m (22'2" x 8'11") max. Attached brick garage with metal up and over door, power and light. Plumbed for automatic washing machine. Gas and electricity meters, electricity consumer unit, double glazed window and door to rear garden, internal door to kitchen.
**Good size plot with lawned gardens to three sizes. Borders, evergreens, timber shed, cold water tap, ornamental pond, greenhouse, boundaries of fencing a hedgerows, gates to both sides. Concreted imprinted driveway/hardstanding. Open plan front.
**We have been advised by the present owner that the property is Freehold. We would recommend that your conveyancer checks the tenure prior to the exchange of contracts.
**We have been advised that the Council Tax Band is E. All enquiries to Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.
**The Energy Efficiency Rating is D. Further information is available on request and online.
**Strictly by appointment through Woodhall Properties .
**Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 5.30pm, Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm, Saturday 9.00am - 4.00pm and Sunday 12.00pm - 4.00pm